Blackboard New Features

Anonymous and Delegated Grading

Grade anonymously and assign grading responsibilities to other assistants, TAs, or reviewers in large courses.

Assessments Significant Figures

In calculated formula test questions, instructors can define the number of significant figures required in the automatic generation of answer sets and in the automated grading process. In the past, instructors could specify only the number of decimal places

Course Message Notifications

Knowing what needs attention and/or needs to get done is essential for saving time and keeping educators and learners aware of what is most important. Notification Dashboards and My Blackboard keep them informed as to what is current and any alerts they should be aware of.

Grade Center Improvement

Now you can control the presentation of scores – by last activity, due date or Grade Center alignment. Other improvements make this view easy on the eyes and easy to comprehend including:


Groups Management Building Block

Group experiences are critical for fostering a more personal and engaging student experience in courses and organizations.  Whether you have a large number of groups with many students or just a few small groups, creating and managing those groups in Blackboard Learn is easier than ever.

Improved SafeAssign

The SafeAssign service to deeply integrate with native Blackboard Learn assignments and inline grading, bringing plagiarism prevention into core
instructor and student workflows. Instead of being a separate content type, SafeAssign is now simply a checkbox on any assignment. SafeAssign also handles multiple attempts and attachments, drafts, and group submissions.

Inline Assignment Grading Updates

A full screen view, allowing you to slide the sidebar out of the way and maximize the converted document, so you'll have plenty of room for commenting and annotating. New assignment grading sidebar design added to all the other tools where inline grading is supported (Blogs, Journals, Wikis, and Discussion Boards). This creates a more consistent and user-friendly grading experience.

Student Preview

With the student preview feature, instructors can see their courses and interact with them exactly how students do. An instructor is allowed to easily transition into and out of a system-managed preview account that is automatically enrolled in the course as a student.