What Is Cybersport and Why Is It so Popular?

Whitney Kilgore

Cybersport arose at a time when one person had the opportunity to compete with another one in a computer game. An integral part of popular competitions is entertainment, which in the context of computer games means the graphics and dynamics of the process. The first game that suited these requirements was the legendary Doom 2 with team fights. Indeed, it was its more advanced in technical terms, the continuer of Quake, originally designed for a multiplayer game.

Requirements for E-Sports Games

There are not so many really popular games, focused on the competition. One of the basic requirements for an e-sports game is the predominance of the element of mastery over an element of luck. The case should not determine the outcome, only personal and team skills. One of the most popular games is Dota, where people of different ages demonstrate their gaming skills, preferring to bet website Dotabetz where a lot of opportunities open in front of betters.

Usually, developers initially decide whether their game will be sporty or extremely entertaining. Another mandatory requirement is a balance and equal opportunities for all participants. Often, it is the inability to balance the game process buries promising game but more successful competitors win a multi-million audience.

Examples of well-shot cybersport games are not so many. Among the shooters for many years, the unconditional favorite is Counter-Strike. As for the strategies, Starcraft dominates. There are games for those who like a measured and quiet gameplay, for example, the card Hearthstone, which embodied the ideas and principles of desktop card games in digital form.

Live Tournaments Online

Modern championships in computer games are no different from major football and hockey tournaments. Large gaming arenas that appear in all major cities in the world and are built specifically for e-sports events - these are the same stadiums. Spectators who came to see their favorite teams live or watching the tournament online - the fans. Every game is conducted by professional commentators in specially equipped studios, and analysts, including eminent players, discuss each match in detail. It is possible to talk about e-sports for a long time, but, as they say, it's better to see it once!

E-sports as an official sport is an inevitable phenomenon, generated by the development of the Internet, the popularity of computer games and the inexhaustible desire of a person to compete. It is difficult for older generations to understand the hobbies of young people, but computer sports gives equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of age, it is enough to look at it without prejudice.